Monday 18 April 2016

Leonard Horner and the Geology of Bonn

Horner, L.  1836.  On the geology of the environs of Bonn.  Transactions of the Geological Society of London 4(2nd series), 433-481.

This paper was presented in 1833, but not published until 1836.  Horner lived at Bonn from 1831 to 1833 and during that time he produced a pioneering map of the region, and made some interesting observations of loess. An outline version of his map was published in volume 3 of the Principles of Geology by Charles Lyell..

Schwarz, Christoph.  2014.  Die Geschichte der geologischen Erforschung des Siebengebirges.
Createspace Independent Publishing Platform (2nd.ed) 190p. [ISBN 13: 978 1494 3817 90]

Horner fertigte die erste Karte des Siebengebirges an- in einer recht ungewohnlichen Ostausrichtung; seine topographische Karte is nicht von Muffling, sondern englischen Ursprungs; auch enthalt sie keine Hohenlinien.

Horner veroffentlichte 1836 :'Geology of the Environs of Bonn'. Er war der erste, der erkannte, dass bis dato Trachytkonglomerat angesprochene Gestein in Wahrheit Trachytuff ist. Er estellte die erste topographische Karte des Siebengebirges.

This is the one figure in Horner 1836. An early representation of loess (one of the first). H wrote:
'The ground is so covered with vegetation that it is very rarely that the different rocks can be seen in contact. In one place only have I been able to discover the trachyte and grauwacke together: this is behind the village of Rhondorf, at the Bruckersberg, where trachyte rises under grauwacke strata, inclined at a high angle, bent and broken, and both are covered by a thick unstratified mass of loess. The trachyte is much decomposed, but at a short distance is tolerably fresh.'

*** we need pictures of Leonard Horner; there is a real shortage of pictorial representation; the 1846 BAAS sketch has just come to light; there might be other hidden likenesses- please find and report..


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