Saturday 28 May 2016

Loess in Britain I

If you search Google for 'Loess in Britain' the response is not great- the first entry is Lill & Smalley 1978, and this appears as entries 3 & 4 as well. It seems strange that this could to be the most significant paper on loess in Britain, there must have been some loess research in the last 40 years.

Lill, G.O., Smalley, I.J.   1978.  Distribution of loess in Britain.  Proceedings of the Geologists Association 89, 57-65

Actually entry no.2 is a bit more up to date, the Jefferson et al 2003 paper in Mercian Geologist; and this paper contains a good idea, a way of approaching the study of loess in southern Britain. We assume that loess material arrives in Britain from the east and spreads across the southern counties as a thin deposit. We are on the edge of the action so it is a thin deposit. After deposition this material is moved about and eventually forms a series of small deposits..

Jefferson, I., Smalley, I.J., Northmore, K.  2003.  Consequences of a modest loess fall over southern and midland England.  Mercian Geologist 15, 199-208.


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