Monday 25 May 2020

More on Marsigli

A Duna Folfedezese.  Luigi Ferdinando Marsigli,  Danubius Pannonico- Mysicus,  Tomus 1.
A Duna Magyarovszagi es Szerbiai Szakasza  (The Discovery of the Danube)  The Hungarian and Serbian sections of the Danube. ed. Antal Andras Deak (Budapest)
Vizugyi Muzeum.  Leveltar es Konyvgujtemeny.  Hydrographic Museum. Archives & Library 2004.
ISBN 9632-170334  pp.439. illus.  Euro 50-00.

review by Laszlo Grof:  Imago Mundi 58 (2) 231 only [2006].

Antal Andras Deak  [2012]
The mineral maps of L.F.Marsigli and the mystery of a mine map.  History of Cartography: International Symposium of the ICA 2012 ed. E.Liebenberg, P.Collier, Z.Gyoza Torok.

"This paper deals with the results of my research on Luigi Ferdinando Marsigli (1669-1730) as published in my books 'Discovery of the Danube' (Deak 2004) and 'Maps from under the shadow of the Crescent Moon'  (Deak 2006).  In the first I elaborated the history of L.F.Marsigli's Danube monograph (Marsigli 1726) and …"

Friday 22 May 2020

Marsigli & Loess; The First Loess Section

Count Luigi Ferdinando Marsigli (1658-1730) published the first picture of loess in 1726..

This was figure 35 in the first volume of his great work on the Danube; Danubius Pannonico Mysicus. Observations made many years earlier but finally published in 1726 in six volumes. In volume 1 we have the picture of the Danubian loess; a section beside the River Danube. Its in the section of volume 1 called 'Hydrographicam', the critical picture is on page 63.
A:  Ripa terra fructifera pinguis nigra et cretacea (black fertile carbonate soil)
B:  Terra Nigra, Pinguis, Fructifera  (black fertile soil)
C:  Terra Lutosa, Cineriara et in fragmenta Cretacea friabilis (yellow layer with carbonate fragments aka Loess.)

This critical figure has been discussed by Markovic et al (2004, 2009)- and its significance pointed out. The redrafting of the Marsigli figure allowed the introduction of some small errors in the placement of the A, B and C symbols, and some confusion may have been caused.

Markovic, S.B., Kostic, N.S., Oches, E.A. 2004.  Paleosols in the Ruma loess section (Vojvodina, Serbia).  Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Geologicas 21, 79-87.

Markovic, S.B., Smalley, IJ., Hambach, U., Antoine, P.  2009.  Loess in the Danube region and surrounding provinces: the Marsigli memorial volume.  Quaternary International 198, 5-6.

Frontispiece to Volume one of 'Danubius Pannonico Mysicus' . Hydrological research is undertaken at a Danubian site near to UNS. (note: the attribution of this figure has been questioned ).