Saturday, 1 March 2025

London Stock bricks at Deptford Station, London-Greenwich Railway

 Deptford Station was on the London to Greenwich Railway; the first of the London railways (opened 1836-1838). Much of the railway was on a large brick viaduct (of 878 arches) which was built from London Stock bricks obtained from Faversham. These were shipped up the river in barges and unloaded at the Deptford Creek. Much building and rebuilding has occurred since 1838 but some very old bricks are still visible at Deptford Station.

The repointing is fairly modern but these are old stock bricks, classic hand made bricks. The red bricks are much later additions. 

Wednesday, 29 January 2025

London Loess: the brickearth deposits at Crayford & Erith

 In 1944 Alfred Kennard published, in the Proceedings of the Geologists Association, a sketch map of the Crayford Brickearths region.  There is growing interest in the UK loess so it seems like a good idea to publish a slightly updated version of the Kennard map. The revisions were done by Kerry Allen at the University of Leicester Cartographic Unit; a discussion of the new map will be published in British Brick Society Information.